
A full range of services can be found at our Boatyard and Ocean World Marina, undertaken by our long-term approved contractors and workers plus we handle specialized services such as injectors, machine shop turning plus lots of other professional speciality repair/refurbishment services that are carried out all around the country by professionals who we have dealt with for many years. Please note: Some work can be quoted on by email and other repair/refurbishment jobs etc. can only be quoted on upon inspection in the marina or on the hard:

Boatyard services offered by our staff and registered/approved contractors include:

  • Mechanical (diesel,gasoline plus professional injector laboratories and much more);
  • Welding/Professional metal fabrication and polishing (stainless, aluminum, steel);
  • Fiberglass keel and hull repairs, through hull installation, Osmosis, gelcoat;
  • Polishing/waxing/buffing, gelcoat and stainless/aluminium;
  • Bottom work, grinding/priming of steel vessels, sanding plus various options on bottom jobs such as strong copper antifouling for warm waters, etc.;
  • Pressure washing which is mandatory if we feel your boats bottom is needing it to ensure a clean and pleasant environment;
  • Prop, shaft, saildrive and rudder repairs/replacements;
  • Electrical/Alternators/Starters/Garmin electronics and more;
  • Riggingservices;
  • Guardianage/Boat watch with photographs/video’s and reports after each personalized check, together with cleaning inside and out;
  • Woodwork, carpentry and varnishing;
  • Contacts re liferaft servicing, Chandlery items such as batteries, rode, etc. or if specialized items that are not available in the country, information on flying or shipping them in the easy way;  
  • Assistance with finding a high mileage delivery captain and team;
  • Brokerage – Assistance with listing your vessel for sale on Yacht World or under Boats For Sale by Owner and so much more.

Hardstand/Storage Fee’s (invoiced by Ocean World Marina): Please advise as to how long you want to stay out on the hard and we can quote you on same.

Owners bringing in “pre-approved” by Maritima del Atlantico General Contractors/Workers plus outside Professional Contractors together with pre-approved DIY work by owner/helpers:

All outside general contractors/workers you want to hire to work in our yard on your vessel must be pre-approved by our operations team for safety, security (they must produce police clearance) and environmental guidelines plus we reserve the right check references on previous work they have undertaken to protect our clients as best we can from bad workmanship.

All professional Company registered contractors, i.e. Raymarine, Certified Llyods Surveyors, Yanmar/Volvo diesel mechanics etc. must also fill out our forms for prior approval and pay the daily fee to work in our yard.

Pre-Approved DIY by owner/helpers on environmentally friendly and safe work can also be undertaken in our yard for a fee (See forms below).

To see our most popular services and rates for haul-out/launch and more, then see the forms below and if you can’t find what you are looking for such as other options on antifouling, polishing, painting, etc. then please feel free to contact us to discuss your requirements and we will quote on same via email if standard work or on inspection in the marina or on the hard for specialized jobs.